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Showing posts with label scandal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label scandal. Show all posts

Second Mile Board Members List; You will be suprised

Amid allegations and now rumors that Second Mile may have been promoting child molestation several board members have expressed outrage. This list came directly from the Second Mile website

(We want to clearly state that we DO NOT assume that any individual on this list knowingly knew about any salacious acts committed against children)

John R. Cappelletti - Retired PSU & NFL Football Player, Heisman Trophy Winner
R. R. M. Carpenter, III - Former Owner, Philadelphia Phillies
James E. Ford - Retired Vice President, Kmart
William A. Gettig - President, Gettig Technologies, Inc.
Jack Ham - Retired NFL Player, Pittsburgh Steelers, Hall of Fame
Franco Harris - Retired NFL Player, Pittsburgh Steelers, Hall of Fame
Dr. Bryce Jordan - Retired, Penn State University President
Willi Maier - President, Omni Plastics, Inc.
Matt Millen - ESPN Football Analyst
Arnold D. Palmer - President, Arnold Palmer Enterprises
Andy Reid - Head Football Coach, Philadelphia Eagles
Dr. John Reidell - General Surgeon, Past Second Mile Board President
Dominic Toscani - Owner & President, Paris Business Forms
Richard Vermeil - Retired NFL Head Coach, (Kansas City Chiefs, St. Louis Rams, Philadelphia Eagles)
Mark Wahlberg - Actor, Rapper, and Film & TV Producer
Verne Willaman - Retired Chairman and President, Ortho Pharmaceutical Corp.
Quentin Wood - Retired Chairman and CEO, Quaker State Oil Refining Corp.
Richard A. Zimmerman - Retired Chairman of the Board, Hershey Foods

Penn State should forfeit the rest of the season; Morally right thing to do

The Penn State Board of Trustees last night decided to fire both Coach Joe Paterno and President Graham Spanier as the first steps to righting an unbelievable wrong. Board vice chair Joe Surma stated, "The University is much larger than its athletic teams." The press conference to announce the firing of Paterno continually referenced how Penn State will make decisions from a moral perspective. After all, Penn State is supposed to be the morally right institution graduating over 80% of its student athletes. If you truly want to do what is morally right then you forfeit the rest of the season and bowl season. 

For the last decade the athletic department and school officials knowingly allowed a pedophile to use its facilities as his own devil's playground. For an entire decade Penn State put its football program ahead of the 40 to 100 innocent children that were abused by Jerry Sandusky, who had an office on campus. To knowingly put sexual abuse over college football tradition is the wrong of all wrongs from an institutional standpoint. Now with this Saturday's home game against Nebraska, Penn State will again put football over abuse. 

The student athletes that will play in this Saturday's game will be directly affected by the cancellation of the season. But they will get over it. This is a chance for a state university to show the world and its athletes that morals are more important than sport. After all as the Joe Surma put it, " The University is much larger than its athletic teams". Prove it...