Sources are telling us to expect more NFL players, including Dallas Cowboys, to be named in association with Sam Hurd's arrest. Reports have stated there is a list of 10 - 15 NFL players that have allegedly done illegal business with Hurd. Hurd spent the bulk of his career as a Dallas Cowboy and it was during that time he began to make his drug connections. The Cowboys have been associated with the drug trade before with other ex-players being charged and even convicted of drug related offenses. The North Texas area has long been a hot bed of activity for federal agents which led to Sam Hurd hitting the radar. Reporters were met with angst in the Cowboy locker room when asking questions about their former teammate, including writer who got into a verbal altercation with Jay Ratliff and ended with the two having to be seperated. The NFL, Chicago Bears, and Dallas Cowboys have been in contact with federal agents.